Recent reads!

And short thoughts

Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain book cover which is a portrait of the late author in his chef's uniform standing behind a restaurant glass window and woven chairs
Stangers to Ourselves by Rachel Aviv book cover which is black distorted text on a white background
Yellowface by R.F. Kuang book cover which is a vibrant yellow cover with an illustrated set of mono-lidded femanine eyes
The Courage To Be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga book cover which is a simple white background with a tree and shrubs plus their reflections watercolored in varying greens
Crying In Hmart by Michelle Zauner book cover which has 2 sets of black chopstick ends at opposing sides of the book holding on to the same strands of yellow noodles on a vibrant red background
Severance by Ling Ma book cover which is a battered light pink cover with a faded stamp saying A Novel on the bottom left of the book and a white office label housing the title text
In Limbo by Deb JJ Lee book cover which features a young girl with monolided eyes whose face emerges from a pool of blue, orange, teal, purple, pink colored water with a red sun and blue skies in the background
Before the Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi cover where a teal fleur patterned wall occupies the top half of the space with 2 patterned wooden chairs sandwich a grey cat sitting under a dark brown wooden table that holds 2 cups and sauces filled with black coffee as well as a small lamp between the coffees
Bliss Montage by Ling Ma cover which is white text set along a vibrant backdrop of oranges in clear plastic film that creates shiny texture and drapes
Diary of a Void by Emi Yago cover which features a light blue circle for the text on top of a drawing of the lower body of a woman from neck down wearing a yellow scarf, orange longsleeve, olive slacks, and black shoes waiting to cross a street with scattered yellow leaves near her and a building in the distance with a Japanese sign
Ay, Mija by Christine Suggs cover which includes a drawn airplane, black and white stretching cat, rustic floral patterned mug, hibiscus flowers, black bean pods, a miniture doodle of the author flying down the cover with a sign that says 'My bilingual summer in Mexico', and a honey-comb textured Mexican pastry called pan dulce all surrounding a young girl with short black hair blushing
Our Laundry, Our Town by Alvin Eng cover which highlights a photo of the author's mother sitting on a stool working while the author is a young boy posing in the checkered-floor laundraumat owned by his family